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Bentocon Solutions utilizes its extensive experience to manufacture highly advanced armor kits for civil as well as military vehicle platforms. Due to a growing worldwide demand, Bentocon Solutions has continuously developed new armor kit designs for various civil and military vehicle platforms to respond to its customer’s requirements.

Bentocon Solutions armor kits are designed and manufactured according to STANAG 4569, EN 1063, MIL 662-F, STANAG 2920 and NIJ 0108.01. Bentocon Solutions armor kits can be provided as applique armor, spall liner, special floor blast systems and seat armor designs.

Turret Protection

Bentocon Solution developed special solutions for weapon stations according to specific customer requirements. Bentocon Solutions armor designs for weapon stations are lightweight to add a minimum of additional weight to ensure a minimal effect on the maneuverability.

Bentocon Solutions has the technical expertise to engineer tailored armor designs for existing weapon stations keeping in mind specific requirement sin regard to weight and protection needed. Bentocon Solutions armor solutions for weapon stations are designed and manufactured according to STANAG 4569, EN 1063, MIL 662-F, STANAG 2920 and NIJ 0108.01

Bentocon Solutions designed manifold floor protection concepts during the years for various vehicle platforms. Our floor protection concepts offer protection against low velocity handguns as well as fragment threats. All our floor solutions can also be used for the vehicle roof and the door areas. Bentocon Solutions floor solutions are manufactured and used today to stop low velocity handguns as well as fragment and hand grenade threats.
Bentocon Solutions has a vast experience engineering armor kits for all kind of civil vehicle platforms. Thanks to our understanding of customized armor concepts we are the preferred choice for armor kits for cash-in-transit vehicles, VIP vehicles, SUV´s, busses etc. Bentocon Solutions armor kits for civil vehicles are mostly designed and manufactured according to EN 1063, STANAG 2920, NIJ 0108.01 and several project-based protection scenarios.

Bentocon Solutions proved over the years that its armor solutions for military vehicle platforms cover a wide range of protection scenarios for various combat situations worldwide. Mostly add-on armor solutions are selected for military vehicle platforms which increase the armor capabilities and are easily deployable at the same. Our add-on armor solutions provide a high degree of protection against multiple hits as well as against a wide range of fragments. Bentocon Solutions armor kits for military vehicles are designed and manufactured according to STANAG 4569, EN 1063, MIL 662-F, STANAG 2920 and NIJ 0108.01

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